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I see behind your mask.
I see your essence,
your true innermost self.
And I love the person I see!

I am an intuitive mentor, working with the Akashic Records, which means I can tap into your Soul energy and see your true self and innermost desires, then guide you through your transformational process beyond what you believe your best version could be!

Get in touch with your Soul!

Image by Jacob Stone
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Raluca Maria your Mentor for Authenticity homepage portrait
two young people walking on a beach and contemplating the meaning of life

Are you looking for:

  • the meaning of your life and your purpose?

  • clarity in any given aspect of your life?

  • improving the relationships with your loved ones?

  • healing after trauma and making peace with the events?

  • escaping the feeling of being trapped and missing out?

We all possess unique gifts, and tapping into them brings us fulfillment. It's crucial to listen to our innermost desires; our souls always try to communicate with us, and often nudge us toward change through hints that are meant to unearth our potential.

Image by Micaela Parente

If you could ask your Soul for answers, would you do it?

Academic education taught us to focus on reason and the material body. Religion taught us that we have a soul, but the concept often remains out of our grasp. We experience flashes of intuition, guiding us beneficially, but we dismiss them as mere impressions or delusions.


The truth is we do have a soul and our lives are meant for soul evolution. We should allow ourselves the opportunity to live in alignment with our soul's desires. This empowers us to reveal our true self, to figure out what really matters to us, to stop living on autopilot. 


We are a unique combination of cognitive mind, emotions, ego (identity), soul (intuition), and body. Living authentically means embracing and expressing our true selves, speaking our truth, and manifesting our full potential. We can manifest our highest potential when we pursue what genuinely excites us.


Would you like to live authentically?

Mentorship for Authenticity

My unique technique is to offer Mentorship through the Akashic Records, which is the most powerful tool. Why is that? Because you get to find the answers to all the questions you have, straight from your Soul! You gain a new understanding of yourself and your life, that brings clarity, purpose and action, all filled with excitement.

What will you gain through Mentorship for Authenticity?

You will connect with your highest self

You will evolve to your next stage of evolution

You will improve your relationships with your loved ones

You will express your soul potential

You will be driven to act to fulfill your purpose

Do you want to live authentically?


Raluca Maria homepage portrait Mentorship for Authenticity

Raluca Maria,
your Mentor for Authenticity

I am Raluca, a certified Akashic Records Reader and Reiki Master. I have worked with more than 100 clients and accumulated over 300 hours of mentorship through Akashic Records. This experience taught me the uniqueness of each individual's journey and the importance of honoring our gifts and our missions. I also mentor and coach my clients to reach their potential, drawing on the knowledge I gained in my previous 15 years of experience in management and leadership positions.

Raluca Maria instances of authenticity

Do you want to live authentically?

Book a 45 minutes free online session now if you want to obtain the answers you are looking for.

What clients say about

Mentorship for Authenticity

"I feel light as a feather after this session! I have clarity and the burden has been lifted from my soul! I feel so light! You have to do this! You are made for this! I went to a psychologist and nothing happened, but now, with you, things have become clear and I feel so light!" – Eliza

"A very calm, safe and positive energy throughout the entire session. The session was recorded which was very useful so I could rewatch and make notes afterwards. She will guide you by asking questions if you are unsure what to ask or which direction to take the reading. I was blown away at the accuracy of the details and the guidance I received was exactly what I needed to hear for where I am in life right now. I can't recommend Raluca enough!" – Taylor

"I started working with Raluca approx. 2 months. I didn't know anything about this therapy but I felt attracted. Then I was at a level where, because of a discussion or behaviour that was unpleasant to me, it affected me emotionally inside and I even sometimes reacted the same way with others. Now, taking into account the messages that Raluca sent me and applying the position of Observer (calm, quiet, relaxed), in the respective situations, I notice differently compared to 2 months ago, the nuances of those situations, more clearly, ending up no longer I feel negative emotional affect and no longer react impulsively. I also wonder at myself, but I like it, there is more peace inside me. I am grateful to have reached this stage and I realize that I have made a positive leap in my personal evolution and there is room for even better. Increasingly better!" – Valentin

Do you want to live authentically?

Book a 45 minutes free online session now if you want to obtain the answers you are looking for.

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